After moving to Vrindavan, Bal Krishna and his friends were given the responsibility to look after the cattle. He used to go out daily with Balaram and his friends and one fine day, King Kansa sent another demon Vartasur to kill him. Vartasur took the form of a calf but he was quickly spotted by Bal Krishna. Taking Balaram along, he got hold of the tail of the calf and swung it over his head into the trees to end his life. Download Chimes Mobile App for tons of great Kids' podcasts and audio stories: http://onelink.to/8uzr4g Visit our website to know more: https://chimesradio.com Connect with us on our social handles to get all content updates:https://www.instagram.com/vrchimesradio/ https://www.facebook.com/chimesradio If you like the show, support us by becoming a patron on this link: https://www.patreon.com/chimesradio Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/chimesradioSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.