वृन्दावन में वास (Migration to Vrindavan)

वृन्दावन में वास (Migration to Vrindavan)

Episode from Bal Krishan Leela.

episode · 109,531 Plays · 04:29 · Hindi


As the demon attacks on Gokul kept on increasing, one of the elderlies of the village, Upanand Ji, recommended to everyone that to keep the village kids safe it was high time for them to migrate to a nearby forest known as Vrindavan. When everyone agreed to his suggestion, the whole village migrated that day itself and that started the new phase of little Krishna's life. Download Chimes Mobile App for tons of great Kids' podcasts and audio stories: Visit our website to know more:   Connect with us on our social handles to get all content updates: If you like the show, support us by becoming a patron on this link: Support the show: for privacy information.