Gouri and Aksha - Ladies Special 2022

Gouri and Aksha - Ladies Special 2022

Episode from Maed in India.

episode · 7 Plays · 28:30 · English


It’s March, and we know what that means on Maed in India. It’s time for the Ladies Special! It’s our annual series of episodes to showcase some of the most talented women from India’s indie music scene. This year, the theme is Lady Collabs. And the first musical pair we’re featuring is soul pop duo Gouri and Aksha, made up of Gouri Ranjit from Kerala and Aksha Kini from Punjab. They talk about how Aladdin played a part in their crossing of paths, the role of voice notes in their writing process, how not always agreeing on everything has helped them as artists, and songs with ambiguous meanings. You’ll also get to hear 2 of their songs! Song List: Change (01:15 - 04:48) Hold On Tight (25:12 - 28:05) Follow Gouri and Aksha: Instagram @gouriaksha Facebook @gourinaksha Twitter @GouriandAksha Gouri Ranjit Aksha Kini Come be our friend: Facebook @maedinindia Instagram @maedinindia Twitter @maedinindia CREDITS: Host: Mae Twitter: @maebemaebe Instagram: @maemariyam Audio Editor Post: Kartik Kulkarni Producer: Shaun Fanthome and Husein Haveliwala