The Gregg Smith Singers, Gregg Smith, Raymond Beegle, The Gregg Smith Singers, Gregg Smith & Raymond Beegle ft. Rosalind Rees, Steven Vosatka, Katherine Greene, Steven Hartman, Susan Jolles, Thomas Mulvaney, Michael Osrowitz
The Gregg Smith Singers, Gregg Smith, Ann Coons, Raymond Beegle, The Gregg Smith Singers, Gregg Smith ft. Rosalind Rees, Steven Vosatka, Katherine Greene, Steven Hartman, Susan Jolles, Thomas Mulvaney, Michael Osrowitz
The Gregg Smith Singers, Gregg Smith, Raymond Beegle, The Gregg Smith Singers, Gregg Smith & Raymond Beegle ft. Rosalind Rees, Steven Vosatka, Katherine Greene, Steven Hartman, Susan Jolles, Thomas Mulvaney, Michael Osrowitz